Urban Biodiversity-Life around us

Covid-19 posted a new challenge for every one of us. Staying indoors during lockdown, made children more tense and disturbed. With no friends to meet and talk, their social interactions were almost zero. It was important for them to learn and realise their role and responsibilities to protect the nature.
A month long course on introduction to urban biodiversity was conducted from 24th Dec 2020- 23rd January 2021 for students of age groups- 8-12 years and 13-18 years from various schools across the country. The course was intended to create interest, ignite passion for all life forms amongst young minds and make them understand the delicate balance between humans and natural world.
Due to Covid -19 lockdown the course was conducted online and the students were encouraged to think like ‘EXPLORERS’, and go out in their apartment complexes/ houses or nearby lakes/ gardens. worksheets and data collection formats
The students were asked many questions like- What is Urban Biodiversity? How/ why to observe and document? Why all life forms are important? Why should we protect them and care for nature?
It was amazing to see the young explorers at work. They made a checklist of over 400 species of plants, birds, insects, animals in and around their homes over the month long project.
The kids were able to relate the loss of biodiversity to the loss of habitat or how the foul smell is caused due to dumping of sewage and drains into the lakes affecting the health of fishes, amphibians and ourselves.
Some of the students went extra yard and collected evidences of predator prey relationships by closely observing spiders catching ants or birds catching insects.
The wonderful and passionate side of young artists were displayed by students through their beautiful drawings and sketches of various life forms. The toughest job was to shortlist a few pictures from all the wonderful collection.
It was a wonderful experience for everyone including me to ignite the thought of ‘CONSERVATION’ and see the enthusiasm of these young ‘EXPLORERS’.
The course got over but the JOURNEY has just begun for all the students.