Doresanipalya Tree research centre weekend trail
The weekend trails are a regular feature for the entire family to explore outdoors and develop a connect with Nature. One such outdoor classroom is Doresanipalya butterfly & tree garden, which is also a Forest research centre. Located right in the heart of Bangalore city it is an ideal place to learn from nature.
About 20 kids along with their parents & Grand parents participated in this trail and enjoyed watching different species of birds, butterflies and insects.
The theme was insects and their roles in nature. Students were exploring the surrounding grass, bushes and trees in search of insects and other clues. They also found a snake moult ( skin of a rat snake).
The beautiful and well camoflauged Stick Mantis was the highlight of the trail.
The roles of slugs and snails in the soil are quite neglected. The children and parents were both very keen to learn more about these harmless creatures . The various kind of seeds and their dispersal was also a exciting topic studied and observed by students.
The students took opportunites to share their knowledge and experiences about Role of Ant/ Termite mounds in Ecosystem.
We were fortunate to see a bee hive and understand the roles of one of the most important insects the Bees as pollinators.
Fun time for children to compare their Height against the Ant hills
Trees and Strong climbers (Lianas) gave an opportunity for all to play and feel the magic of touch therapy of Nature.
The parents and students were very happy and satisfied with the trail and vowed to join regularly for such fun based outdoor learning opportunities.