Summer Camp at Bandipur Tiger Reserve

The best part are the games which teach the students the importance of all life from from the invisible microbes, ants and termites to the one of the largest land animals the Elephants.
Experiential learning improves the grasping power of children by 80-85% and makes them understand & remember the concept in detail.

The safaris very extremely exciting as the children were very lucky to spot all the big cats like Tiger and Leopard (resting on a tree). The Crested Hawk Eagle (Changeable Hawk Eagle) is one of the most efficient predatory birds belonging to the Accipiters ( Raptors).
Students observed territorial fight between two Male Sambhars (Stag) to show their dominance to set the hierarchy in the herd.

The luck got better as during the next day’s safari, children sighted and observed a Leopard for almost 15 mintues, walking in front of the bus doing territorial marking on the path. As we thought this was the best ever trip, the king of the forest- a big male Tiger suddenly appeared in front of our bus which was icing on the cake of the entire trip. This sent thrill and adrenaline rush amongst all.
The ruler of the skies the Black Eagle was highlight in the list of amazing Raptors.

During the field observations the students watched closely life on and around trees and spotted some beautiful birds like the small minivet pair ( Male is orange, female is yellow) and the Yellow footed Green Pigeon and more thn 20 different bird species.
This was one of the best camps with sightings of almost all the major attractions of the forests from Predators to prey which will make a memorable camp for all.