To mark the Earth day celebration an awareness event was organised by Bhumi NGO, in support with Forest department, Bangalore for their corporate clients Brookefield properties at Madiwala lake on April 21st 2023.
The objective of the event was to create awareness about the value and roles of clean, healthy urban lakes and their biodiversity.
I am grateful to Bhumi NGO team to give me this opportunity to address the young professionals and resolve their queries.
It was a very interactive session where the importance of lakes in flood mitigation, ground water recharge, carbon absorption, recreation, habitat for birds, fishes and other aquatic life forms.
The problems of modern lakes and human impact on the causes like plastic pollution, sewage dumping which leads to eutrophication, Weed problem were understood.
We took a walk around the lake, visited butterfly park and understood the roles of pollinators in our daily life. A plastic cleaning drive was also organised during the session. We spotted many birds in the lake and understood about their behaviour and feeding habits.
Participants took part in a fun based construction of Bee hotels meant for solitary bees & wasps.
This way they understood the value of pollinators in providing major percent (75-80%) of food to all life forms including humans.
Overall it was a very productive event with participants pledging to take care of the lakes.